Cassidy Tackett with Sky Doodle (AKA Holly Doodle) Beautiful! :)
Darla Daisy Doodle (AKA Kimmy Doodle) Now daisy for short from Shelby's last litter!
Daddy Shaymuss is curling up with his polar bear today, Brrr, it's chilly!
Let me just start with telling you how much I love this breed of designer dog! The Poodle helps eliminate most of the shedding, the Retriever in my opinion forms their true character! I have 4 kids, and all of them have grown up with Doodles! These dogs make such wonderful pets, and the low to no shedding makes them ideal! They are Intelligent, trainable, versatile, animal friendly, sweet, loving, and great for almost all allergy prone people too! There just isn't enough space on the page to describe what wonderful dog's Doodles really are! Do yourself a favor, and get a Doodle or even 2 Doodles, they love a companion, when your at work! Thank you so much for visiting my website! I would not trade this experience for anything in the world, I LOVE MY DOODLES, and you will too!
-Abby Dabby Doodles!
2nd litter Theme is the Alphabet and all puppies are now sold and placed!
Teddy Doodle playing dress up with his girls! Did I mention how wonderful and patient Doodles are with little kids? They love their families!
Marci Doodle, our beautiful short haired girl!
Karleigh and Callie Doodle (AKA Maria Doodle) trying to wake up for school! YAWN! When you have a Doodle, the urge to cuddle is beyond temptation on every level! :)
The Tackett Family and their Doodles! Puppy on the right is Sky from Shelby's 1st litter!
Shelby Rue Doodle has had her litter! 9 healthy puppies, 5 girls and 4 boys! Mom and pups are doing great! Thanks to all who have ben so supportive! A special thank you to Jayne, my neighbor who helped me bring them into the world and name them too!
Shaymuss the nervous father ( F1 Mini Doodle) awaiting the birth of the puppies!
Wyatt Doodle (AKA Eddie Spaghetti)
Abby Dabby Doodle Christmas Puppy Photo Shoot at 6 weeks of age! Litter #2 Born on October 19th, 2016
Shelby, below, chillaxing, VERY pregnant and ready to have these puppies!
My son Mikey and the neighbors grandkids kids Trudy and Lucy playing with the new and 2nd litter!
Just lounging around!
Male Puppy Teddy (AKA Jeffrey) from Shelby's last litter!
Cassidy is waiting for her little Holly Doodle to come home! Here she is spending quality time with Shaymuss and Shelby, Parent's to The pups!
Little Romeo Doodle just found a wonderful family with Ashley! He is so sweet!
Jayney Doodle from Shelby's 1st litter (Chilling out) Doodles often sleep upside, down it is one of their many adorable Character traits!
Golden Doodles are funny dogs, they do things all of the time that just make you smile big! From sleeping upside down, to cuddling with a blanket, you can be sure everyday with your Doodle with be filled with laughter, and love!
Eddie Spaghetti fell asleep in Lucy's arms! The Mills family have adopted Eddie and I am so fortunate to have found such wonderful homes for all of my fur babies!
Whoops, Hey Lucy, little Marci Doodle has a hold of your braid! OUCH! LOL!