One of the most common points of confusion regarding Goldendoodles and Labradoodles is the generation number used to describe a new litter of puppies – the most common being F1, F1B, F2, or F2b & even an F3!
F1 A first generation hybrid Goldendoodle or Labradoodle is the product of a Golden Retriever or a labrador retriever and a Poodle (50/50% potential for shedding)
F1b A backcross is the result between a Goldendoodle or Labradoodle bred back to a poodle or a golden retriever
F1bb A backcross between an F1b Goldendoodle and a purebred poodle
(technically experts say this is the most hypoallergenic of the breeds due to the curly nature of the fur and cross breeding back to the poodle)
F2A second generation Goldendoodle (F2) is the result of a Labradoodle or Goldendoodle bred back to a Labradoodle or Goldendoodle) (High possibility of Shedding and varied character traits)
F2b This is the result of a Goldendoodle (F1) bred to a Goldendoodle backcross (F1b).
Although three generations in the making, F2Bs are technically second generation dogs. even less risk for shedding) Approximately 63 to 65%% Poodle and the rest Retriever F3 or Multigenerational Results from breeding an F2 Goldendoodle & another F2 Goldendoodle
Doodle Stats
Dog Breed Group: Hybrid Dogs
Height: Generally 1 foot, 8 inches to 2 feet tall at the shoulder (Smaller for Doodles that have been bred back to a mini or Med sized Poodle)
Weight: Generally 50 to 90 pounds (Smaller for Doodles that have been bred back to a mini poodle or Medium sized Poodle)
Life Span: 10 to 15 years
Breed Characteristics Adaptability Good For Anyone (beginner to an advanced dog owner)
Some dogs are simply easier than others: they take to training better and are fairly easygoing. Doodles are resilient enough to bounce back from your mistakes or inconsistencies. They are smart and the poodle in them makes them easily trainable! The retriever in them makes them eager to please!
Doodles do love to exercise, they can be adaptable to apartments, especially the smaller variety or (mini) Doodles, However,it is important to exercise them on a regulr basis to keep boredom from setting in and trouble from ensuing!
They will get into mischief if not kept entertained by a chew toy, a ball to chase, or a child to play with! (their favorite! )
Loving, loyal and friendly, A Doodle wants to please and keep on pleasing! They love to be with company at all times!
Contract will go into effect starting 6/1/2017
ONE YEAR HEALTH GUARANTEE: Each one of my puppies is priceless to me, He or she will be current on all vaccinations. It is the responsibility of the buyer to continue with vaccinations and health care. We recommend that you bring your puppy to the vet with in 24 to 48 hours for a puppy wellness check. INITIAL GUARANTEE: We guarantee the puppy to be in good health at the time of adoption. We guarantee the puppy for 10 days from the date of purchase against parvo ,distemper, leptospirosis and Para influenza. If the puppy should get any of these diseases within the five day period, notify us immediately. If the puppy should die of any of the above notify us with in two days of the puppies death. A replacement puppy of the next litter of the same breed and sex will be guaranteed. The buyer must provide a written vet statement as to the cause of the death and have the puppy sent to a vet for posting. If for any reason your puppy would die of a fatal virus we will refund the purchase price of your puppy. The owner of the puppy is responsible for vet costs over the cost of the puppy.
OUR ONE YEAR GUARANTEE: If within one year of the birth date of the puppy, a licensed vet should find a genetic disorder which is serious enough to warrant the euthanization of the puppy, the buyer must contact us immediately. We will then have a licensed vet INTERPRET the report. If our vet concurs, we will replace the puppy with one of like value when it becomes available. Environmental factors such as allergies, thyroid dysfunction and other autoimmune disorders are not covered by this guarantee. We can guess your puppies size by using the parents weight as a guide, (generally within 35 to 50 pound range) but can never guarantee how big your puppy will be at maturity. It is very important that your puppy gets proper rest and eats well. If the puppy plays to hard without eating and proper rest, they can go into low blood sugar shock, know as hypoglycemic shock. THIS IS NOT COVERED UNDER WARRANTY. See your vet immediately! Buyer is responsible for all vet charges after the date of purchase. This guarantee is null and void if the terms and conditions are not met. This constitutes the entire agreement. No other guarantees are either written or implied.
*****Buyer must stay connected on Facebook (It's free to set up an account and even if I am the only one on your friends list then so be it) to reassure me that they are not resold, or improperly cared for and up to date on vaccinations! If you cannot abide by this rule, (It's really not to much to ask) then I will not sell you a puppy and If this term is violated, then this contract is null and void! I am very personable and this is how I roll, if you cannot accept this, there are many different breeders that will sell you a pup and never look back, and that is not what I am all about! I consider my families to be part of my family and I will have a reunion to bring everyone together soon! (The reunion is not mandatory but we hope you can make it!)
Copy of the health guarantee
Medical record of vet check, shots and worming (1st set and deworming included)
Puppy care package with small blanket & mom's scent on it to help ease the transition to your home